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"Everything DiSC is invaluable for team development and leadership. By identifying DiSC styles within the team, I can tailor my leadership and communication approach to maximize collaboration and efficiency. It also helps me understand the team dynamics and aids in solving problems in a constructive manner. It has truly contributed to creating a stronger and more successful team."

Svante Westerberg,

"We use Everything DiSC because it has been a highly valued tool for enhancing communication and work relationships in the organizations we help develop. Everything DiSC truly stands out due to its precision and user-friendliness. What we appreciate the most about Everything DiSC is its ability to provide in-depth insights into our own personality traits and how they influence behavior in the workplace. By understanding our own strengths and weaknesses, we can better adapt our behavior to maximize our potential and collaborate more effectively with colleagues.


All in all, I can say that Everything DiSC has been an indispensable tool for us, and I would highly recommend it to others seeking to enhance communication, collaboration, and leadership within teams."


Jörgen Sandahl,

"I use Everything DiSC as a tool for my clients to enhance their opportunities in developing both their teams and their own leadership. We start with the DiSC Work Profiles to understand each team member's communication and behavioral style, as well as their motivations and stress thresholds. This allows us to see the similarities and differences within the team, and how it impacts collaboration and interactions. The tool sets developmental goals for both individuals and teams. It has been highly valued, and the profiles have been recognized as very accurate.


In addition to this tool, my clients appreciate Work of Leaders as an extension of the Work Profiles, designed to strengthen leadership for teams/groups. It ensures that each leader's strengths are utilized effectively and fosters a dialogue about areas needing improvement. The reports, regardless of the tool, are very easy to understand and can be immediately translated into concrete developmental goals.


I highly recommend Wiley's tools to create understanding, constructive dialogues, and development towards the goals set for both individuals and teams."


Birgitta Levy,
Licensed Psychologist & Leadership Consultant

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